Revitalizing Africa's landscapes with economically empowering conservation and rewilding solutions

Category: Angola Project Updates

  • Project Update: ACI’s Groundbreaking Conservation Project in Angola’s Mupa Reserve

    Project Update: ACI’s Groundbreaking Conservation Project in Angola’s Mupa Reserve

    Introduction Africa is home to unique wildlife species and diverse ecosystems, but the delicate balance between wildlife and human populations has been challenged, leading to the decimation of vast areas and the threat of extinction for iconic species. Recognizing the urgent need for conservation, the Africa Conservation Initiative (ACI), a non-profit organization, is dedicated to… Read more

  • Project Introduction

    Project Introduction

    Welcome to Africa Conservation Initiative; The Angola Rewilding Project  We are proud to introduce the Africa Conservation Initiative (ACI), a newly established nonprofit organization dedicated to ensuring the long-term sustainability of wildlife areas across Africa. Our primary objective is to create safe havens for wildlife while fostering harmonious coexistence with local human communities. By educating… Read more