Revitalizing Africa's landscapes with economically empowering conservation and rewilding solutions

Africa Conservation Initiative

Revitalizing Africa’s landscapes with economically empowering conservation and rewilding solutions

Current Projects

Angola Rewilding Initiative

Our Principles

Conservation is not merely a matter of protecting species and habitats; it is fundamentally about people and their relationship with the natural world. When local communities are empowered to take stewardship of their natural heritage, conservation becomes a shared goal rather than an imposed mandate. It is through this collective guardianship that the true spirit of conservation emerges, one where the well-being of wildlife and ecosystems is intrinsically linked to the prosperity and cultural identity of the people who live among them. By fostering a sense of ownership and pride in natural resources, we pave the way for a future where conservation is woven into the fabric of community life, ensuring that the beauty and diversity of the natural world can thrive alongside human development.

Emmanuel Koro

Our Principles

Collaborative Governance

We collaborate closely with government bodies to foster sustainable governance of conservation areas. This partnership is built on a foundation of trust and shared vision for conservation success, community prosperity, and economic viability. Our role is to provide operational management expertise, ensuring that the ecological integrity and economic viability of these areas are maintained for the long term.

Our Principles

Integrated Community Strategy

We ensure the sustainability of conservation areas by simultaneously fostering community development, recognizing that the success of one is reliant on the other. We invest in education, healthcare, and the creation of economic opportunities, including agricultural initiatives and a livestock farming scheme. This infrastructure supports sustainable practices and provides a direct economic return to the community, ensuring the conservation efforts are economically sustainable. Through this, conservation areas thrive alongside prospering communities.

Our Principles

Fundraising and Financial Stewardship

Our commitment to conservation is matched by our dedication to responsible fundraising and meticulous financial stewardship. Transparency in financial management is our cornerstone, guaranteeing that all funds are allocated to areas of greatest impact. We seek partnerships with like-minded entities and individuals devoted to our values.

Our Principles

Ecological Revitalization and Wildlife Management

Our operational management extends to the heart of rewilding efforts, where we implement cutting-edge ecological restoration techniques to revive and sustain natural habitats. We are dedicated to the protection and enhancement of biodiversity, ensuring that wildlife thrives through meticulous species management and habitat conservation.

Your Support Goes a Long Way

Every day at the Africa Conservation Initiative, we’re dedicated to preserving Africa’s wilderness in a socio-economically sustainable way. Your money goes directly into the field where we are working tirelessly to ensure that wild spaces, wildlife, economies, and communities are thriving.


Contact Us

+27 63 369 9289